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  1. Sad situation and the world watches and reports the death toll (4 replies)
  2. Hypocrites! (1 replies)
  3. I wonder what they will charge her with? (17 replies)
  4. EPA's War on Coal (13 replies)
  5. Want free Obamacare???? Go to jail! (6 replies)
  6. Russian skater lights Olympic flame, tweeted doctored photo Obama staring at banana (13 replies)
  7. I am a proud Black American (14 replies)
  8. There's no pleasing some people (4 replies)
  9. Oh, you gotta like this lawyer's TV commercial in Georgia (5 replies)
  10. I do not want to offend anyone, but this disgusts me (11 replies)
  11. OT: Coke Commercial with " AMERICA the beautiful". Thoughts? (51 replies)
  12. This made my day (6 replies)
  13. Local Medical Marijuana Strain Has Hundreds Of Parents Flocking To Colorado (0 replies)
  14. Deport Beiber! (20 replies)
  15. Now THERE is a governor! (2 replies)
  16. Where are we headed? (5 replies)
  17. Reporters career threatened over Benghazi? (12 replies)
  18. What's a good set of defense weapons? (31 replies)
  19. The Backpack Cannon (5 replies)
  20. King Obama I "I"ve got a pen" (13 replies)
  21. The Olympics coming up in Russia (8 replies)
  22. It's harder to discern hype from reality these days (2 replies)
  23. I am extremely proud of my US Senator Jeff Sessions (4 replies)
  24. "Factory blemish" pistol? (11 replies)
  25. Shotgun handguns (38 replies)
  26. DOJ now actng as Nanny (3 replies)
  27. Taxpayers chip in on birthday gift for first lady (4 replies)
  28. Excellent article on a Global Warming skeptic (3 replies)
  29. Local poltician (3 replies)
  30. Now that "Obamacare" has kicked in, notice any difference? (15 replies)
  31. Out of science fiction movies and into our real world nightmares (1 replies)
  32. Capitalism does what EPA and green jobs couldn't... (8 replies)
  33. But, I predict they won’t. Frankly, they probably can’t. (4 replies)
  34. Camille Paglia: A Feminist Defense of Masculine Virtues (2 replies)
  35. Nsa. (2 replies)
  36. Wis. taxpayers spend $$ on empty buildings gov't refuses to sell to private schools (8 replies)
  37. Another one of numb nuts line crossed? (3 replies)
  38. Kentucky reporter in DC (10 replies)
  39. New TV show (32 replies)
  40. Another Obamacare benefit. (7 replies)
  41. Merry Christmas to Everyone (6 replies)
  42. Interest rates??? (0 replies)
  43. A year after Newtown... public on gun laws (5 replies)
  44. Two and a half minutes you'll wish you had back (15 replies)
  45. NSA spying on World of Warcraft b/c it is good training for terrorists (1 replies)
  46. And now there's this: (6 replies)
  47. New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns. (0 replies)
  48. It is not just the DHS that is hording ammunition (5 replies)
  49. Washington Red Tape (1 replies)
  50. Back door gun control. (9 replies)
  51. The dope on Fast and Furious. (1 replies)
  52. Anyone following the US vet detained in North Korea? (21 replies)
  53. The FTC is protecting consumers from price collusion by piano teachers. (1 replies)
  54. Obama admin. rapes Lara Logan (2 replies)
  55. 4th grade indoctrination. (10 replies)
  56. Gun confiscation. (10 replies)
  57. Apparently in Ohio you can be arrested for crime you "may" commit in the future (5 replies)
  58. THE USA only needs one party, the one in majority (6 replies)
  59. Speaking of conspiracies... (1 replies)
  60. 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination (15 replies)
  61. Our President doing what he does best....Apologizing (13 replies)
  62. Anyone seen this? (0 replies)
  63. High school seniortakes Common Core to task (0 replies)
  64. Barkley is wrong (4 replies)
  65. 3D Gun printing highlights failed thinking of the Left (3 replies)
  66. The CIA, our military and the drug trade. (2 replies)
  67. Terrific Piece by Krauthammmer: (1 replies)
  68. Your thoughts on this article? (2 replies)
  69. Author: Military 'purge' meant to weed out officers who won't fire on Americans (9 replies)
  70. The coming betrayal of Israel (29 replies)
  71. CBS waffles on Benghazi report (11 replies)
  72. Guardian article on the NSA (1 replies)
  73. The Most Unequal Place In America (8 replies)
  74. $1,539 per day (3 replies)
  75. Sea life melting on the west coast (1 replies)
  76. This is hilarious :) (10 replies)
  77. I do not see good things coming from this (3 replies)
  78. Holder. (1 replies)
  79. Diary of a truly great liar (3 replies)
  80. Nice piece by Sowell (0 replies)
  81. Are peoples eyes finally starting to open? (4 replies)
  82. Could this be true??? (4 replies)
  83. Benghazi. (8 replies)
  84. Rush on Medicaid could spell trouble for ObamaCare’s health (0 replies)
  85. Rush on Medicaid could spell trouble for ObamaCare’s health (0 replies)
  86. This needs to happen on a national level! (0 replies)
  87. Something to think about! (6 replies)
  88. Obama gets called out by Merkel (19 replies)
  89. The Saudis cut Obama/US off (4 replies)
  90. King Harry at it again (0 replies)
  91. We can only hope (0 replies)
  92. Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? (1 replies)
  93. This is senseless. (3 replies)
  94. Martial Law? Ex Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith says Government is creating conditions (0 replies)
  95. McConnell gets a 2.9 billion dollar earmark for Western KY Dam (8 replies)
  96. Dems don't realize they lost this fight... (9 replies)
  97. Now this is funny! (0 replies)
  98. More NSA news! (1 replies)
  99. Impeachment hearings scheduled. (2 replies)
  100. What we already know (or suspect) about "progressives." (1 replies)
  101. Naive, bulldozed by Obamacare (44 replies)
  102. This has been going on for some time. (2 replies)
  103. Report: Obama administration brings chilling effect on journalism (3 replies)
  104. Drunk dial Congress? Why not... (0 replies)
  105. Media too conservative??? (1 replies)
  106. Cops in biker gangs. (0 replies)
  107. Wow! Kay Hagan posted a request for funding NC public schools on Facebook (5 replies)
  108. Two faded hypccrites! (3 replies)
  109. Stop playing with your balls (15 replies)
  110. Now I am pissed (7 replies)
  111. Heist of the century. (0 replies)
  112. It's all about politics. (1 replies)
  113. NPR funding (2 replies)
  114. China tells US to get its house in order (5 replies)
  115. This could get very ugly! (3 replies)
  116. People are getting fed up. (3 replies)
  117. It just keeps getting crazier! (5 replies)
  118. FISA Reform: How is more beaurocracy helpful? (2 replies)
  119. Hmmm, this is interesting (6 replies)
  120. I guess the show must go on. (2 replies)
  121. Not sure what to think here (4 replies)
  122. Sounds like a plan! (4 replies)
  123. Good decision by local D.A. - no charges against apartment dweller who killed burglar (2 replies)
  124. Shoot first, ask questing later? (2 replies)
  125. Essential? (1 replies)
  126. Reports of shots fired on Capital Hill.......... (17 replies)
  127. ? for bigsky (2 replies)
  128. This lady, (or whoever wrote this article) hit the nail on the head! (2 replies)
  129. Military Academies May Cancel Games (32 replies)
  130. One charlatan calling out another... (4 replies)
  131. Great Editorial in cChicago Tribune (6 replies)
  132. So, it has a name... (4 replies)
  133. JazyD, What The Heck's Going On In Your Neck Of The Woods? (7 replies)
  134. Good article on guns by ... Anthony Bourdain (4 replies)
  135. This pretty much sums it up. (1 replies)
  136. Mallard Fillmore cartoon (7 replies)
  137. My daughter on Common Core (13 replies)
  138. Confused (6 replies)
  139. From Fast and Furious to "Huff and Puff"? (8 replies)
  140. Another case of police overstepping their authority? (5 replies)
  141. Obama on Obamacare: “We did raise taxes on some things.” (1 replies)
  142. IRS and the horse they rode in on (2 replies)
  143. Rouhani (2 replies)
  144. Interesting stuff here (4 replies)
  145. Another sign things are out of control (25 replies)
  146. Fellow gun advocates, we're not alone. (2 replies)
  147. Can Kentucky voters send McConnell a message? (18 replies)
  148. The Affordable Care Act? (4 replies)
  149. Promises promises (4 replies)
  150. Retired Army officer warns: DHS preparing for war against American citizens (7 replies)
  151. Obama's independent spying review team (1 replies)
  152. This should set our mind at ease!! (6 replies)
  153. Unrestricted Warfare (1 replies)
  154. North Carolina almost nuked?? (5 replies)
  155. The Navy yard shootings (20 replies)
  156. Deerhunters Do You Have an Opinion on This? (12 replies)
  157. Sweet home Alabama...just not for black sorority sisters (29 replies)
  158. Will be an interestng ruling (6 replies)
  159. Wind Faarms Still Killing Eagles (13 replies)
  160. Well, this should make you gun nutz happy (6 replies)
  161. Obama camera makeup (0 replies)
  162. What a nice little job of media bias (3 replies)
  163. And I was hoping to sail the Northern Passage Next summer (1 replies)
  164. What'd he say? (5 replies)
  165. This is hilarious! (2 replies)
  166. Well, this is certainly different. (4 replies)
  167. John Kerry..nose job? (10 replies)
  168. DC proposes a 24 hour wainting period to get a tattoo (4 replies)
  169. Hannity show tonight (20 replies)
  170. Citizens of Maryland Arming Themselves (1 replies)
  171. The dangers of being buddy's with Al-Qaeda. (10 replies)
  172. Is there a Department of the US Government that does not have their own SWAT team? (3 replies)
  173. “political correctness” (7 replies)
  174. Our Presidnet is just a child in the world political arena (12 replies)
  175. Most here will applaud this (0 replies)
  176. Big Brother In the Classroom (3 replies)
  177. Has anyone seen this? (3 replies)
  178. No boots on ground huh? (3 replies)
  179. President Obama turns to Congress to OK strike against Syria (21 replies)
  180. Obama Exec Order bans importation of rifles never used in crimes (9 replies)
  181. Obama needs to grow a pair (19 replies)
  182. Talon Ordance (5 replies)
  183. Words can't express my anger upon seeing this. (3 replies)
  184. The United States will reach the limit of its borrowing authority in mid-October (0 replies)
  185. Can't legilstate what you want to happen, then tax it (4 replies)
  186. In the name of social equality it is important everyone remains equally uneducated (5 replies)
  187. Latest on Benghazi. (6 replies)
  188. This seems to be the new craze since the Martin killing. (4 replies)
  189. Advanced Placement courses not as successful as hoped? (5 replies)
  190. Are they talking about us? (6 replies)
  191. What is this a map of? (7 replies)
  192. Go figure (7 replies)
  193. This is wrong (7 replies)
  194. Another senseless killing. (1 replies)
  195. Obama is a total joke (3 replies)
  196. Where is UN Ambassodor for meeting (0 replies)
  197. Government via Twitter (1 replies)
  198. Wonder if he will get a promotion too? (0 replies)
  199. More NSA news. (2 replies)
  200. In other news... (0 replies)
  201. I think this turns out to be a hoax (6 replies)
  202. Seattle mayor wants businesses to go ‘gun free’ (3 replies)
  203. Study: Welfare pays more than minimum wage in most states (3 replies)
  204. Bored teens kill baseball player (44 replies)
  205. Those darn republicans! (4 replies)
  206. Good read! (2 replies)
  207. He May Not Be a GunLover but He is Not an Idiot (4 replies)
  208. Corporatocracy at full speed (18 replies)
  209. Your tax dollars at work! (7 replies)
  210. "Healthy Sexuality" rated pG (20 replies)
  211. Governor Moon Brown's New Unisex Bill (45 replies)
  212. California Wacos (8 replies)
  213. From one Myth to Another Myth (4 replies)
  214. Just another promotion (1 replies)
  215. Real email (7 replies)
  216. Virginia gun crime drops, as state's firearms sales soar (3 replies)
  217. Congressmen and their aides exempt themselves from Obamacare costs (1 replies)
  218. UH-OH, this is gonna stink! (5 replies)
  219. Dump Russian Vodka (that'll teach'm) (5 replies)
  220. Anyone know if this is legit? (1 replies)
  221. This was posted on FB. Anyone heard anything about it? (1 replies)
  222. Zimmerman pulled over in TX (gun in glove box) (10 replies)
  223. Interesting little article (4 replies)
  224. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... (2 replies)
  225. Gov't Knows Best? White House creates 'nudge squad' to shape behavior (3 replies)
  226. Top Saudi investor says US energy boom could doom kingdom's economy (0 replies)
  227. Sad and outrageous (2 replies)
  228. Alabama new gun law (3 replies)
  229. We need more Governors like this one (2 replies)
  230. GPS "spoofing" (1 replies)
  231. Uh Ho: Obama Says Vietnamese Dictator Inspired by Founding Fathers (8 replies)
  232. Zimmerman juror (15 replies)
  233. Newest Round of Mid East Peace Talks Should Go Well (0 replies)
  234. Feds Not Happy with new State Marijuana Laws (3 replies)
  235. Show us some teeth. We need to see teeth! (2 replies)
  236. The King, er President has spoken (4 replies)
  237. They call me Carlos.......... Carlos Danger (9 replies)
  238. My third grade teacher wasn't this hip (5 replies)
  239. Stevie Wonder + others to boycott Fl (9 replies)
  240. Slow loss of personal liberty and the rise of the police state (13 replies)
  241. Obama flip-flopped (5 replies)
  242. Don't know how true this is... (1 replies)
  243. Anyone who thinks Obama gives a crap about them... (10 replies)
  244. Doctors planning exit from profession (3 replies)
  245. Just thought this was funny... (3 replies)
  246. Charlie Daniels comments on Paula Dean. (4 replies)
  247. Obama "could have been me" (7 replies)
  248. Global Warming (4 replies)
  249. Who's got their eye on you? (1 replies)
  250. Charles Barkley on the Zimmerman Verdict (1 replies)